Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vote for a Long Healthy Life

I believe we are still a nation that is for the people, by the people. What it comes down to is consumerism. What you buy (or don't buy) is your vote. My personal vote is for things that occur naturally in our world. I vote against chemical infested food and drugs.

We all have our vices. I gave up smoking cigarettes for my New Year's resolution and it was hard but I concluded that life is too short to make it shorter. I also realized there was no point in caring about my food so much if I couldn't give up something the government actually tells us causes cancer. My next "sacrifice" will be my iphone. My husband and I are trying to keep cell phone use to a minimum. Afterall, there is mounting proof that cell phones cause cancer. In fact San Francisco is implementing a law that "requires cell phone retailers to display and distribute a state-produced fact sheet that explains radio frequency emissions from cell phones and how consumers can minimize their exposure". Of course the Big Cell Phone lobbyists are now suing the city of San Francisco. The corporations with the most money will continue to sell dangerous products. Just because it is on the shelf doesn't mean it can't hurt you. Simply we can't trust our government because of the lobbying that occurs. The fact of the matter is I love life's little pleasures but I love LIFE more.

The government tells us it's our fault for getting addicted to prescription pills (although most doctors don't even go through the list of side effects first), it's our fault for getting fat (even though they continue to sell things such as high fructose corn syrup), and it's our fault for getting sick (we all know how the health care system is in this country - expensive and ass backwards). When did we start relying on the government to point us in the right direction? We should be relying on family and friends who actually have our best interests at heart. They will continue to sell us things that make us sick as long as we keep buying them.

I especially refuse to put any of my hard earned cash into Monsanto's pockets. I don't like corporations who think they can play God, He doesn't need any fact I'm pretty sure He knew what he was doing.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chicken Sausage Pasta

Last night I made a pasta dish with homemade tomato sauce and chicken apple sausage. It turned out really yummy!

First I chopped up a huge organic tomato and warmed up some olive oil ( I accidentally picked up the wrong oil. It didn't have a USDA organic seal, so remember you have to be very careful when reading labels. The olive oil subsequentially is the only NON organic ingredient in my pasta. You of course should pick the right one.) I added roasted garlic, mini bell peppers, and a half cup of water and let it simmer for 10 minutes. I then added fresh basil and let the sauce simmer for about 20 more minutes. While the sauce was a simmerin' I started water to boil my fussili pasta in. I then chopped up the smart chicken and apple sausage. Once the water boiled I added the pasta and then started to brown my sausage in a skillet. 10 minutes later my sausage was browned to perfection and my pasta was done. I shredded a little raw sharp cheddar cheese to add on top and there you go: dinner!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sugar is sugar - your body can't tell the difference

I try to not let myself get angry at the food industry because that would only create my own personal hell, and I in fact love my life and am grateful for everything I am and have been given. This is something that really grinds my gears though. The corn industry's commercials on how "corn sugar" is the same as cane sugar. Okay let me start off by pointing out that they are in fact talking about high fructose corn syrup. One of the main purposes of these commercials is to get Americans to accept the new name "corn sugar". The corn industry is awaiting approval from the FDA to get high fructose corn syrup off the label and corn sugar on it! I of course passionately believe that no matter the name this nasty stuff needs to be banned (following Europe's example). Of course Big Corn didn't waste any time using the new name in their advertisements. A new name for the same product simply to trick the American public into trusting it again. It turns out the cane sugar industry did not like the comparison and is now suing the corn industry. It's pretty obvious that there is a difference in the two products. One is granulated white powder and one is laboratory made sticky syrup. One comes from the Earth and one is made by scientists. On top of it all high fructose corn syrup has been associated with obesity, among other ailments. Lets face it: Americans consume more sugar than any other country in the world and we are the fattest (coincidence? I think not). I also wanted to point out that when a label says "sugar" it doesn't mean that it is pure cane sugar. It is in fact more times than not, a blend of cane sugar and genetically modified sugar beets. Yummy....not. Moral of the story? Avoid processed food. I love dessert and couldn't go without it. For me life is too short to not enjoy the pleasures in it. I simply use organic unrefined sugar and bake from scratch and it's a beautiful thing.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our health starts with the soil up...

We live in a world today where we have to be constantly careful. Sometimes I don't know who to trust. I never questioned anything in my life as much as I have the last few months. There are moments when it really feels quite hopeless. I know though there is something more powerful than any of these corporate giants and that power is love. If you must lie, steal, cheat, or enslave people to make your money then I am not envious of you. I am starting to realize that most people only care about one thing: money. Isn't it funny how that green stuff really makes the world go round? Something that you can't even take with you to the grave, can actually take precedence over a living, breathing person's life.

Example number one: Americans are not healthy.

The US of A is home to the largest percentage of obese people. Part of the problem is the food industry's idea of "diet food" which is usually processed crap, but a larger part of the problem is that even when you do eat fruits or veggies you are getting a large dose of chemicals with it. Not only that but studies have found that organic produce is jam-packed with more nutrient dense calories than that of conventional (chemical) fruits and veggies. And yet the stuff that is worse for you is less expensive and mass-produced. Processed food is a huge problem. It's packed full of man-made laboratory experiments aka my new favorite thing to research - GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Biotechnology has taken over agriculture. Out with the farmers and in with the government telling us how to grow our food supply. Food comes from the Earth and not from a lab in my opinion but the government says it's the same and requires no labelling. Am I really to believe this? Or am I to believe the blatant evidence that the same people run the USDA, FDA, and EPA that have worked for the BIOTECH giant Monsanto. The government has their hands so deep in Monsanto's pocket that all morality has gone out the window. Other countries require the labelling of GMOs so why is America always the last to know? Kind of like how high-fructose corn syrup is banned in Europe but still as prevalent as ever in our country. Tell me another reason why this is happening besides for the plain fact that somebody got greedy?

Example 2: Medications that do more harm than good.

Why does the FDA continue to approve drugs without proper testing? It could only be one thing - you got it - MONEY. My way of thinking is that no innocent person should die so that someone else could live. Even if one little lab rat had an adverse reaction, I'd say nope not good enough yet! But for some reason there's a rush...why when most pharmaceuticals have more side effects than curing abilities? Most drugs on the market cover up a problem instead of getting to the bottom of it and fixing you inside out. It's pretty obvious to me that it starts with healthy eating, exercising, and sunshine but most doctors don't even really bring that up. I had a doc offer me Xanax when I was 20 years old when I wasn't even anxious! Lets face it, it's not hard to attain prescription pills...I have to assume that it's because the dr gets money for selling certain prescriptions. More people die from prescription drugs than illegal drugs every year and that to me is a problem. Why is it the APPROVED drugs are hurting us so much? They are also finding that antidepressants not only cause suicides but they can also cause homicidal tendencies. Isn't that the main thing you are trying to avoid when taking an antidepressant? Even worse doctors are prescribing drugs for children more and more. I believe they are making us sick so we have no choice but to buy their drugs that don't work!

These are two areas I have been doing a lot of research on and would appreciate anyone else' s feedback or opinions. I want to know what I am eating. I don't want to eat something that adequate testing has not been done on. Monsanto even says on their site "if you don't want to eat GMOs, then you need to eat USDA certified organic". Well, fine I'll do just that and I will start my own garden, too! I encourage YOU to do the same.