Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dinner and a Garden

It has been one week since I planted my little seeds and I am happy to say that a couple have germinated. I hope the others will follow suit soon. Of course winter decided to arrive the day after I planted my babies. With the changing season came sunny weather. Almost as if Winter needed to get one final and most ultimate storm out of the Spring has come and the weather is warm and the sun is shining. We'll see if Winter tries to come back through again. I think the last frost is still to come. But anyway, my Nevada Lettuce and Marketmore Cucumbers have sprouted and it makes me giddy! Gardening is so much fun, as is cooking from scratch. Currently I am in the process of letting pizza dough rise for pizza dinner. I am going to put together a caprese style pizza and a veggie deluxe. My dough has a mix of both whole wheat and unbleached flour and flax seed (my new favorite source of omega 3's). For both I am marinating pizza sauce all day. Tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, and basil. The first pizza will have heirloom tomatoes, extra basil, jack cheese, parmesan, and grilled chicken. The second will be zuchinni, red bell pepper, and scallions. Paired with a cold glass of organic hard cider. This is heaven.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Green Thumb I Have Do I?

Yay! I have 10 half wine barrels now. I am working on my compost. I know next year my compost will be much better since mine isn't quite aged this time. I read up on my seeds that I have and what they need to thrive. I've got red bell peppers, anaheim chilies, genovese basil, cilantro, green zebra tomatoes, orange honeydew, marketmore cucumbers, easter egg radishes, and a couple others! I really hope I can pull this off but I'm also going to get some transplants from the nursery just in case I don't have the green thumb of my dreams. It's quite exciting...growing your own food...I can tell will be a very liberating experience.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Tonight Travis made us southwestern vegan chili! Three types of beans, non-GMO corn, bell peppers, jalapeno, and onion. I made the corn bread (with added flaxseed -- Omega 3s!). Of course it wasn't vegan anymore after I added sour cream and raw cheddar cheese, but still vegetarian! I think we will have to make meat more of a rarity than we are used to and that's because we just don't have access to organic meats. I can buy smart chicken breasts/sausage and organic bacon at the natural store. I also have been buying grass fed beef from Outer Aisle but they were closed when Trav got there yesterday and today. We get sick of chicken at every meal (plus it can get expensive). So until I get my 1/2 cow and pig (which I hope to be going in on with some friends) we will continue to think up more vegetarian meals. It's hard to change your perception of what a meal should entail...but I'm realizing it's okay to leave the meat out sometimes!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Organic Choc Chip Cookies

Yesterday I made some amazing cookies. In fact I think I ate about 20 of 'em and still can't stop...

2 sticks of softened (not in microwave preferably) organic butter
1/2 cup organic unrefined sugar
1 cup organic brown sugar
2 organic eggs
1 squirt organic agave syrup
1/2 cup organic flaxseed
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 and 1/2 cups organic unbleached white flour
1 big organic dark chocolate bar

I first preheated the oven to 375. I then used a hand mixer and started on the butter first. I added everything but the flour and chocolate in. Then I added the flour a little at a time. I used a mallet to break the chocolate bar into a million pieces (some chunky, some powdery). I added the chocolate last, folding it in. I did small spoonful drop cookies and baked for 10 minutes. They turned out just how I like, cake-like and fluffy!

What Will My Garden Bring??

I am getting very excited about our garden! Next week we are getting wine barrels (since I have no yard). I am doing a ton of reading on composting. I need to get some good soil and add in the compost a couple weeks before I plant according to something I read. I also am not sure when I should start to germinate my seeds. I've also read up on the perfect planting days on the Farmer's Almanac. It says you can start planting today.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Heavy Metal

Trav laughs every time I say something along the lines of, "The heavy metal is poisoning us!". I am of course not talking about the music genre. I am referring to the mercury, aluminum, and lead that builds up in the human body. Did you know there is mercury in amalgam (silver) fillings? I read somewhere that there is enough mercury in one filling to kill a lake full of fish. Of course the American Dental Association denies that any of the mercury can leak out into our mouths (and be ingested) but there are many dentists who believe quite the opposite. I don't have insurance so I can't get mine removed anytime soon so for now I am taking Chlorella (a powerful derivative of chlorophyll that works as a detoxifier and is awesome for the digestive system).

I put two and two together and I realized that so many diseases are caused by the toxic build-up inside of us. Toxins that are allowed by the government. Which brings me to my next toxic topic: vaccinations.

I believe that through common day sanitation most of the diseases they vaccinate our children for would have a low occurance anyway. Polio for instance is only transmitted through human feces. Does anyone you know come into contact with human shit on any kind of regular basis? No, because we live in a day and age where we don't have to worry about poop in our water (hopefully?).

This article does an absolutely amazing job of summing it up:

Healthy people don't need vaccinations. We have an immune system for a reason. By getting vaccinations you are only polluting your body further with toxins that are causing worse diseases than the one you are trying to protect yourself from.

I was shocked to learn that multiple sclerosis is linked to mercury poisoning. They have found chelation (completely depleting your body of the heavy metals and then adding back in what you need) quite effective and some have claimed to be cured. Doctors in our country don't mention alternative therapies, instead they just give you an incredibly expenisve prescription that treat symptoms and not the cause...

I vow to always try the natural way first for whatever ailment I may encounter. I am done with chemicals that have helped me none.