Thursday, March 8, 2012

Green Thumb I Have Do I?

Yay! I have 10 half wine barrels now. I am working on my compost. I know next year my compost will be much better since mine isn't quite aged this time. I read up on my seeds that I have and what they need to thrive. I've got red bell peppers, anaheim chilies, genovese basil, cilantro, green zebra tomatoes, orange honeydew, marketmore cucumbers, easter egg radishes, and a couple others! I really hope I can pull this off but I'm also going to get some transplants from the nursery just in case I don't have the green thumb of my dreams. It's quite exciting...growing your own food...I can tell will be a very liberating experience.


  1. I planted zebras today too! and cucumbers...but mine are the pickling kind, mmmmmm! I hope we have a big harvest this year!!!

  2. I did german chamomile, zebras, yellow pear tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula, bibb lettuce, umm...jack o lantern pumpkins, yellow squash, yellow and orange bells, lets see there were 12 rows...ummm...quinoa, basil but I forget what varietal, beets, fennel, and that's all I remember right now. Gonna start the root veggies tomorrow...Carrots (4 kinds), white potatoes, onions, garlic and gonna do some sunflowers and bush beans which all have to go directly into the ground! This is gonna be awesome!

  3. Yes yes it is going to be awesome!!!!
